Little Witch Nobeta – Nintendo Switch Review

Overview – developed by SimonCreative and Pupuya Games with publishing handled by Idea Factory International, Little Witch Nobeta is a an action adventure with shooting mechanics. Explore the ancient castle and uncover the mysteries that it holds, while trying to reach the throne. This title is available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation platforms, with aContinue reading “Little Witch Nobeta – Nintendo Switch Review”

Hellpoint – Nintendo Switch Review

Overview – developed by Cradle Games and published by tinyBuild Games, Hellpoint is an action RPG in the vein of Dark Souls with a dark sci-fi atmosphere. Take on the role of a nameless human stranded on a derelict space station, battling monsters and hellish abominations in order to uncover the mysteries surrounding the nightmareContinue reading “Hellpoint – Nintendo Switch Review”